Classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays!
Get the app to see the full schedule
(see instructions below)
Do you have questions about the right Tumbllenium class for your child?
Contact Miss Hillery
Ready to sign up? Follow these steps below:

Register for Tumbllenium classes at NCADA Studio through our app
Get the app on your favorite app store.
1. Head to your app store
2. Search "NCADA Studio"
3. Install the app
4. Make your account (see help slides below)
5. Make accounts for your family members. (they each need a unique email, mamas of little ones, see the help hint below)

You've got the app, now what?
See the link below for a step by step guide to making an account.
Mamas of little ones, each dancer needs their own account with a unique email. If your kiddos don't have emails, we suggest you get a gmail (google) account for yourself. For each child, make their account with your email plus one @gmail as their account email. (this will route all their emails and their verification email to you. For example if you are mama@gmail.com, sign your first child up as mama+1@gmail.com, second child as mama+2@gmail.com and so on.
Pro tip: use the same password for all of you.